yoko and me on my birthday

Yoko and me on my birthday

Documenting the fictional adventures of Nora Hansen and comic book heroine Yoko Tsuno, yoko and me on my birthday picks up on the genre of fan fiction. Illustrating the imaginary adventures of Yoko and Nora situated in a shared everyday life, the digital graphics document Yoko and Nora’s mundane struggles, touching on questions of alienation and nostalgia and examining the power of friendship, adoration and the imaginary.

Yoko and me on my Birthday, various prints from the series, 2016, Inkjet Print, 46 x 29 cm

Yoko and me on my Birthday (Yoko, U awake?), 2017, Inkjet Print, 46 x 29 cm

Yoko and me on my Birthday (Pinstripe suit), 2016, Inkjet Print, 46 x 29 cm

Yoko and me on my Birthday (time travel), 2016, Inkjet Print, 46 x 29 cm